Zoom in, Zoom out

I sat down with two different founders for a talk about their business. Completely opposite personalities. One is master of details and the other is the ultimate visionary. Both are true entrepreneurs and leaders, but different styles.
I realized I had a different role with each of them. With the strategist, I had to help in reviewing the details of operations, while with the Operator, I needed to help in setting the big picture and strategy.
Funny, but I felt that I’m playing a game I called “zoom in, zoom out”, where my role was to take the discussion to the opposite direction with each one of them. Like playing with a the zoom of a DSLR camera.
Feeling innovative and unique, I decided I will write about it. So, I sat down and googled for “zoom in zoom out”. Surprise, surprise. The first article in the search results was this very thoughtful article by Prof. Rosabeth Moss Kanter of Harvard Business School titled “Managing Yourself: Zoom In, Zoom Out”. Prof. Kanter, a world expert in business management, provides a detailed analysis of the need for dynamic use of the zooming options for effective leadership and management. I highly recommend reading it. Some abstract thinking… Enjoy.

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